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Understanding Voice Damage

Voice loss can occur for wrong usage, excessive use, or tiredness. Whereas sickness such as colds, flu among others or build up stress weaken the areas around the voice. Correct singing practices are critical to singers, and therefore, vocal healthcare education is paramount. One must always make sure that he or she gets a proper appointment with a physician to avoid causing damage to their throat for a prolonged period.

Keep Your Throat Lubricated

To keep the throat well moist before, during and after singing, be sure to take some water occasionally. To avoid dehydration it is advisable to take tap water or tea that has been warmed slightly then added to fruits. If you are on medication, please read the side effect portion of the medicine guide to see if it may affect your voice, and if you want detailed information, please consult with your doctor or the supplier of the medicine.

Signs of Voice Fatigue

If you feel that your voice has developed a rough texture, or has failed to perform singing or even speaking, or simply it feels ‘scratchy’, then the possibility of voice fatigue arises. This is usually as a result of inflammation of the throat or vocal muscle tissues. When your vocal cords swell due to overuse, they become less efficient at closing to create mucus which affects the vibration of the vocoder. Failure to do so may result in node formation in the future.

Understanding Vocal Nodes

A vocal node for example is a callus or growth on the cords in the throat which kills the cords. Nodes can be surgically treated by an ear, nose, throat (ENT) surgeon but the operation may adversely affect the voice box permanently. If ever you feel that you have this particular condition, go to your general practitioner and request that he or she get you to an ENT.

Throat Soothing Tips

Use home remedies to soothe your throat during rehearsal, not while performing:

  • Peppermints can help your sinus passages but only for a short time.
  • Post-Nasal Drip ‘The best way of dealing with the condition is by gargling with salt water solution.’
  • Natural honey each morning on cereal and toast can soothe the throat after a night’s nasal trumpet.
  • Managing Throat Congestion
  • Might be beneficial to gargle your throat with throat iodine, though it’s better to check with your doctor about them. In addition, a throat gargle may help to relieve stuffiness in your throat passage. Strong mouth washings such as Listerine should be avoided; if they have to be used, they should be thinned with water.

To avoid any resolves about the effects of throat products on your voice, it is advisable to contact the product manufacturer.